Consulta de Guías Docentes

Academic Year/course: 2017/18

272 - Degree in Journalism

25316 - Cultural bases for communication: Contemporary literary trends

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
25316 - Cultural bases for communication: Contemporary literary trends
Faculty / School:
103 - Facultad de Filosofía y Letras
272 - Degree in Journalism
Second Four-month period
Subject Type:

1.1. Introduction

Introduction. Brief presentation of the subject: "Contemporary Literary Currents" is an optional subject in the second year of journalism taught by the Departments of General Linguistics and Hispanic Studies (Department of Theory of Literature and Comparative Literature) and Spanish Philology. The course is designed as an introduction to the main trends, institutions, genres, authors and topics of the literary field, from a point of view the theoretical and historical time, in light of current information.

1.2. Recommendations to take this course

Recommendations to take this course: This course aims to consolidate knowledge of the main contemporary literary trends from modernity. Integrated set of electives "cultural basis", this course offers students of the degree specific training on key topics related to contemporary literature, from points of aesthetic and historical view, taking in any case to the peculiarities of journalistic information on contemporary literature. Activities and key dates in the first days of class teachers specify the characteristics of the program and the proposed evaluation system. Throughout the course, and depending on the literary events that occur, the delivery dates of the various works, comments, reports, analyzes and criticisms that are proposed in class indicated.

2.1. Learning goals

1) Recognize and value the main genres and forms of literary discourse of contemporary culture (EC1).

2) Be able to make known in various media the main literary trends of today's world (SG2).

3) Know, generally speaking, authors and fundamental works of contemporary literature (CG1).

4) Be able to give out the keys on the historical, ideological, cultural and aesthetic aspects reflected most often in contemporary literature (CG2).

5) Acquire a high capacity in oral and written communication in Spanish (CT1).

2.2. Importance of learning goals

Importance of learning outcomes that define the subject in the current context, in which literary culture plays an important role as an element of identification and social cohesion, diverse initiatives that encompass inserted studies, publications and literary activities of very different kinds. In this sense, it seems necessary to properly train professional journalists in the future will face this kind of news, so as to tackle the necessary guarantees commentary and analysis thereof.


3.1. Aims of the course

Importance of learning outcomes that define the subject in the current context, in which literary culture plays an important role as an element of identification and social cohesion, diverse initiatives that encompass inserted studies, publications and literary activities of very different kinds. In this sense, it seems necessary to properly train professional journalists in the future will face this kind of news, so as to tackle the necessary guarantees commentary and analysis thereof.

3.2. Competences


1) Be competent in the investigation and analysis of reality in its various spheres (political, legal, economic, legal, artistic, cultural, scientific, technological and sports) (CE1 ).


2) Be responsible for communication in various genres, languages, media and technologies, integrated in different contexts and professional media in which journalism (SG2) develops.


3) Understanding and mastery of fundamental knowledge of the study area and the applicability of these fundamental knowledge to specific tasks of a professional communication and information (CG1).


4) The ability of communication and argumentation, oral and written positions and conclusions, to specialists and information disclosure or public non-specialized (CG2).


5) Ability to critical thinking (analysis, synthesis and evaluation) (CT1).


4.1. Assessment tasks (description of tasks, marking system and assessment criteria)

Assessment activities The student must demonstrate that it has achieved learning outcomes through the following evaluation activities. I. First call a) Continuous assessment system (if applicable) The date of completion of the exercises will be duly indicated in early course. two written tests will be performed (30% of the grade for each) around the required reading and its relation to the matters dealt with in class from the program of the subject. The student must perform a monographic work (40% of grade) or Theory of Literature, well of Spanish and Latin American literature, for which they will agree with the teacher in the tutorial hours. Evaluation criteria: spelling, grammar and appointment system will be evaluated; order and clarity of presentation; the accuracy in the use of historiographical concepts; the relevance of the cited literature; and the set of exposure. When the number of students exceeds 25, the EVALUATION may be only global. Continuous assessment students must attend all tests; In continuous assessment tests all have at least 20% must have a minimum rating of 4/10 for averaging. b) Proof of global assessment (to be performed on the date specified in the academic calendar) In addition to the monograph (40% of grade), the / the student / a must make a written date and time test designated by the Faculty of Arts, three hours maximum. It consists of two parts, each with a value of 30% of the final grade: one of Spanish and Latin American literature, and one of Theory of Literature, around the required reading and its relation to the matters dealt with in class from the program of the subject. Evaluation criteria: spelling, grammar, order and clarity will be valued the
exposition; the accuracy in the use of historiographical concepts; the relevance of the formal aspects mentioned; the capacity ratio and the use of literature.
II. Call Global Assessment Test (to be performed on the date specified in the academic calendar) The second global test will have the same characteristics as the first.

5.1. Methodological overview

General methodological presentation. The learning process that is designed for this subject is based on the following The learning process that is designed for this subject is based on the following: The subject arises from a double methodological approach that combines traditional " master "with the active participation by the student, to be involved in all kinds of literary works and actions related to current literary class. Learning activities scheduled program that the student is offered to help you achieve the expected results includes the following activities:



5.2. Learning tasks


  • Theoretical lectures.

  • Practical lectures.

  • Individual work.

  • Personal study.

  • Assessment activities.


5.3. Syllabus

Part 1 (Literary Theory and Comparative Literature)

-Mass literature and culture

-Literature and entertainment

-Literature and history

Part 2 (Spanish Philology)

-Short stories as a genre in the second half of the 20th century.

-The new Spanish American novel.

-Poetry trends after 1950.

5.4. Course planning and calendar

Calendario planning and classroom sessions and presentation of works in the first sessions of the course will clearly present its objectives and the evaluation system, also establish the system working according to the program this academic guide. Throughout the course, the delivery dates of the various analyzes, comments and criticisms will be indicated in class.

5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

AA. VV.: Literatura y periodismo. La prensa como espacio creativo, ed. de Salvador Montesa, Málaga, Publicaciones del Congreso de Literatura Española Contemporánea, 2007.

AMELL, Samuel: “El periodismo; su influencia e importancia en la novela del posfranquismo”, Castilla. Estudios de Literatura, n.º 14, 1989, pp. 7-14.

CABO ASEGUINOLAZA, Fernando, y RÁBADE VILLAR, María do Cebreiro (2006): Manual de teoría de la literatura. Madrid, Castalia.

CASAS, Ana: El cuento español en la posguerra. Presencia del relato breve en las revistas literarias (1948-1969), Madrid, Mare Nostrum, 2007.

CESERANI, Remo (2003): Introducción a los estudios literarios. Trad. Jorge Ledo Martínez. Barcelona, Crítica, 2004.

CHILLON, Albert: Literatura y periodismo. Una tradición de relaciones promiscuas, prólogo de M. Vázquez Montalbán, Bellaterra/Castelló de la Plana/València, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Servei de Publicacions, Publicacions de la Universitat Jaime I, Universitat de València Servei de Publicacions, 1999.

DUEÑAS, José Domingo: Ramón J. Sender (1924-1939): periodismo y compromiso, Huesca, Instituto de Estudios Altoaragoneses, 1994.

ESCUDERO, Javier: “Rosa Montero: entre la literatura y el periodismo”, Revista de Estudios Hispánicos, 31.2 (199), pp. 327-341.

FOSTER, Hal, ed. (1983): La posmodernidad. Trad. Jordi Fibla. Barcelona, Kairós, 1985.

LYON, David (1999): Postmodernidad. Trad. Belén Urrutia. Madrid, Alianza, 2ª ed., 2000.

MANCERA RUEDA, Ana: “El articuento: una tradición discursiva a medio camino entre el periodismo y la literatura”, Especulo. Revista de Estudios Literarios, n.º 543, 2009-2010.

MOLINA FERNÁNDEZ, Carolina: Gabriel García Márquez: crónica y novela, Cáceres, Universidad de Extremadura, 2006.

NIEVA DE LA PAZ, Pilar: Narradoras españolas en la transición política. Textos y contextos, Madrid, Fundamentos, 2004.

PICÓ, Josep, comp. (1988): Modernidad y postmodernidad. Trad. Francisco Pérez Carreño et al. Madrid, Alianza.

RUEDA-ACEDO, Alicia: “El cuento periodístico y la entrevista literaria de Rosa Montero: «Paulo Pumilio» y «Javier Marías: En Estado de Gracia»”, Hispania, vol. 93, n.º 4, december 2010, pp. 605-614.

RYAN, Michael (1999): Teoría literaria: una introducción práctica. Trad. Francisco Martínez Osés. Madrid, Alianza, 2002.

TORRES NEBRERA, Gregorio: Los espacios de la memoria (La obra literaria de Maria Teresa León), Madrid, Ediciones de la Torre, 1996.